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Dear Sabine,

AHK Greater China is going to publish “German Consulting Company Directory 2023/2024” in December 2022. This book has been published for 4 editions and received a high attention among the consulting companies. The bilingual handbook contains key information of the German consulting companies in China.

Advertising in this directory can give you a China-wide exposure to key players in the Sino-German business community! Gain your exposure to 300,000 users: 

  • More than 2,500 German Chamber member companies
  • 25,000 subscribers of our e-newsletter
  • Monthly 100,000 visitors to AHK Greater China's website 
  • Outreach to 70,000 followers of AHK Greater China's social media platforms
  • Displayed at important exhibitions and events organized by the AHK

Company Presentation or Advertisement Booking Deadline: Oct. 15, 2022 (Limited places, 1st come, 1st served)



  •      超过2,500家德国商会会员企业
  •      德国商会电子简报的25,000名订阅用户
  •      德国海外商会联盟·大中华区官网每月的100,000访客
  •      德国海外商会联盟和德国商会社交媒体平台的70,000名粉丝
  •      德国海外商会联盟和德国商会组织的大型展会和活动现场展示陈列

企业信息或者广告预定截止日期:20221015日 (位置有限,先到先得)

Prices including tax 含税价:

Company Profile ( Print and Online) 企业基本信息介绍

RMB 4 000 

Full Page 整版                                                                                             

RMB 13 000   

Half Page 半版                                                                                              

RMB 8 000  

Double Page左右通版                                                                                 

RMB 24 000   

Back Cover 封底-Sold out 售罄!                                                              

RMB 17 000  

Inside At Front/Page next to Inside Front Cover封二 /封二左页-Sold out 售罄!          

RMB 16 000  

Inside At Back封三-Sold out 售罄!              

RMB 15 000  

Preliminary Page 固定位置                  

RMB 14 000

Bookmark 书签                                                          

RMB 16 000  

  Please ignore this message if you already made the booking, thanks.

Ting CHEN | 陈婷

Sales & Marketing Manager | Digital & Communication Services


AHK Greater China

German Industry & Commerce Greater China



29/F Pingan Riverfront Financial Center

No. 757 Mengzi Road | Huangpu District | 200023 Beijing | P.R. China

上海市黄浦区蒙自路757 | 平安滨江金融中心29邮编 200023

Tel: +86-21-3858 5237 | Mobile: +86 13601958966


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